The living room thanks to all the hand-me-downs from the fam:

The Room Reveal!

Choosing the right room gets you closet space AND a chair!

Look at what my mom got me in Cape Town!!

And that's about it. I went to a mall last night (I know so 7th grade) with the roommate- we had a nice little outing consisting of wine, thai food, the movie Everybody's Fine (which I bawled my eyes out in- probably not the best movie to see when youre across the ocean from your family), cappuccinos and finally a R50 cab ride with Andres from Maputo (Mozambique) was an amusing night to say the least.
Fun fact: There is no liquid butter to put on your popcorn here...there IS on the other hand..salt and vinegar powder, butter salt powder, fruit chutney (chutney = sauce made from fruit put on meats mostly), aromatic (old bay-ish) and cheese powder..FYI if you ever get to a movie theatre on my side. Well I'm off but one more photo before I go.
Packing this

to go here!!!!!!!!

I leave on Monday. Super stoked. Taking it easy tonight but going to the open air market and breakfast tomorrow with the roommate and a braai with the head boss tomorrow! An exciting end/start to my week. No work this Friday or next Monday due to Easter! These people love a good public holiday and I am all about it.