
And no, there was no popcorn this time. Although the equivalent of Cheetos here are called NikNaks and the package looks like this:

That guy looks like he knows how to hang.
Also started watching this

with my cousin Elaine- its actually pretty good- they do like using her "ladies" though - they are all over the place in that show.
Friday, the office is going ten pin bowling (or "bowling" for you Americans!) at Menlyn Mall- which is the biggest mall I have seen in awhile. Looks like this:

The white screen to the left is actually a movie screen for a drive in theatre on the 3rd floor. Pretty sweet huh?

And before I leave, please listen to what I wake up to every morning...
Jealous? I bet.
Edit: That is not my lawn or dog in the video, just another unfortunate soul that has to listen to that annoying noise.
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