Ive been here for two days now and am finally settling in. The flight was a nightmare though. Let me explain. I was able to pick my super sweet seat on Delta and was stoked to have an aisle seat. Until...I was approached by a huge Indian family to switch my seat so that their deaf and mute aunt could be closer to them. Ok understandable and the seat switch was comparable. BUT after that, an African man with a strong accent wanted to switch so he could sit with his children. Ok another understandable request. I'm not about to separate a family and scar these poor kids. So Ashton ends up in a middle seat between a deaf and mute lady and another lady who kept wanting me to read her Good Housekeeping magazines. 15 hours did not fly by. Plus, I forgot my Tylenol PM in one of my suitcases. IT WAS AWESOME FLIGHT. Ok, so I land after this WiLd flight and breeze through security with no problem and I have GOT to go to the restroom. This is what I find.

I AM SO CONFUSED. and I really have to go. So that I did. It was a daunting task believe you me. WELCOME TO SOUTH AFRICA. I find out later that its a toilet designed for the Indian ladies. After that, I pushed all THREE suitcases of mine and met my family. I was incredibly tired and hungry. We ended up stopping at a wonderful casino that had an amazing amount of restaurants. I have pictures, I'll post them later when I get my camera set up but we ended up eating INDIAN. How ironic. It was delicious. After that, I was taken home and put to bed. We celebrated New Years the next day and Ill update everyone about that soon. Before I go, I leave you with my favorite South African foods that Ive been stuffing my face since I got here.
Schweppes Granadilla, Biltong -South African beef jerky- Boerewors - Spicy South African sausage- and Steers - South African Mcdonalds....yes I plan on coming back 500lbs bigger. Bring it on SA.

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