Side View of the Kitchen

Through the kitchen into the living room aka lounge

Patio to the left..yes those are burgular bars..stairs to the bedrooms and my teensy weensy little 4 channel tv..no worries cable is a'comin

Lush African foliage..overgrown foliage that is

Told ya bathtubs were the jam...but not for moi. And these are not luxurious, resting tubs-these are get in, wash yourself and go! Lucky for me, there's a shower..the size of coffin. Tight squeezin indeed.

So I had the moral dilemma of deciding what room to take when I first moved in. I mean, this room is TINY but would the roommate think I was a bia because I took the bigger one or should I take the obvious winner and say finders keepers sucka! This choice was screwing with me hardcore because after all, this is a Christian organization?!?!?! All will be revealed in the After pics.

Room Deux
So thats the gem I am working with over here in the "bush." Well, not exactly the bush but this is Africa. Sometimes I catch myself not believing that I am actually here..and not just visiting..I live here! So crazy (that was for you Dad) and before I go, I want to point out my better blogging and leave you with some SA slang.
Howzit? = Hey, what's up? / How's it going?
Iz it? = Comes out like one word- Used for Really?
Lekker (Lacka) = Cool, good = This burger is lekker!
Ag man (Ahck man) = Said like yeah right/oh man -heavy on the Ahck
Babbelas = hangover ...I've got such a babbelas (I've heard this a lot lately)
Bakkie (buckie) = truck ( For you Elaine and Will!!!!!)
Bliksem = Hit/punch ...I'm going to bliksem you!
Dof (Doff) = Dumb ..Ag man, he's so dof!
Kak (Kock) = shit ...You talk kak man!
Neer = No
Ja (Yah) = Yes
Skelm (Skel-em) = Thief, crook ...Watch out for the skelms around here (Direct Quote..eek)
Tekkies (Tackies) = Sneakers...Grab your tekkies.
So there's a little knowledge for you! Have a great night! And for the record, I did NOT use those god awful sheets that were on the beds.
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